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Animals Native To North Carolina

North Carolina is home to a diverse range of wildlife species, each with its unique characteristics and adaptations. From the majestic black bear to the tiny eastern chipmunk, the state is teeming with wildlife that call its forests, wetlands, and grasslands their home. Whether you're a seasoned naturalist or simply an admirer of nature, you're sure to be fascinated by the amazing array of animals native to North Carolina.


The raccoon is a medium-sized mammal native to North America, including North Carolina. These animals are known for their distinctive black mask and ringed tail, which sets them apart from other mammals in the area. Raccoons are highly adaptable creatures and can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, wetlands, and even urban areas.

One of the most interesting traits of raccoons is their dexterity, which allows them to manipulate objects with their front paws much like a human hand. This skill is especially evident when they are foraging for food, as they often use their paws to find and extract food from tight spaces.

Raccoons are omnivores and feed on a wide range of foods, including fruits, nuts, insects, and small animals such as crayfish and frogs. They are also known for their intelligence and have been observed washing their food in water, a behavior that sets them apart from many other mammals.

Despite their reputation as pests in urban areas, raccoons play an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. They help control the populations of insects and small rodents, and their droppings provide a source of nutrients for plants and other organisms.

Overall, the raccoon is an interesting and important part of the North Carolina wildlife, and it's important that we coexist with these animals in a responsible and sustainable way.

Eastern Cottontail Rabbit

The Eastern Cottontail Rabbit is a common and widespread species of rabbit found throughout North America, including North Carolina. These rabbits are easily recognizable by their distinctive grayish-brown fur, large ears, and short, fluffy tails. Eastern Cottontails are herbivores and feed on a variety of vegetation, including grasses, clovers, and other plants.

One of the most notable adaptations of the Eastern Cottontail is their incredible speed and agility. They are capable of reaching speeds of up to 18 miles per hour, which allows them to quickly escape from predators. They are also excellent burrowers and will often use their burrows for protection and as a place to rest during the day.

Eastern Cottontails are active during the day and night and are generally solitary animals. They have a low reproductive rate and typically give birth to litters of up to five young, known as kittens, twice a year.

Eastern Cottontails face a number of threats, including habitat loss, predation, and disease. However, they are also an important part of the ecosystem and play a critical role in maintaining the health of the plant communities they feed on.

Red Fox

The Red Fox is a common and widespread mammal found throughout North Carolina. These animals are known for their distinctive red fur, white tail tip, and long, pointed ears. Red foxes are omnivores and feed on a wide range of foods, including small mammals, birds, insects, and fruits.

Red foxes are highly adaptable and can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, fields, and even urban areas. They are also excellent hunters, using their keen senses and speed to catch their prey. In addition to hunting, red foxes are also known for their intelligence and their ability to problem solve.

Red foxes are solitary animals and are most active at night. They are also skilled burrowers and will often use their dens for protection and as a place to rest during the day.

Black Bear

The Black Bear is a large and powerful mammal native to North Carolina and other parts of North America. These animals are easily recognizable by their shaggy black fur and distinctive shape, which sets them apart from other mammals in the area. Black bears are omnivores and feed on a wide range of foods, including fruits, nuts, insects, and small mammals.

Black bears are skilled climbers and swimmers and are capable of reaching incredible speeds and heights when they need to escape from danger. They are also excellent tree climbers and will often use trees as a place of safety and to access food.

Black bears are solitary animals and are most active at night, although they may also be active during the day. They are also skilled burrowers and will often use their dens for protection and as a place to rest during the winter months.

The Black Bear is an impressive and important species in North Carolina and plays a critical role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. It's important that we respect these animals and their habitats, and that we coexist with them in a responsible and sustainable way.

Wild Turkey

The Wild Turkey is a large and distinctive bird found throughout North Carolina. These birds are known for their iridescent feathers, long necks, and distinctive calls. Wild turkeys are omnivores and feed on a wide range of foods, including fruits, nuts, insects, and small mammals.

Wild turkeys are social birds and are often seen in flocks, especially during the fall and winter months. They are also strong fliers and can reach speeds of up to 55 miles per hour in short bursts.

River Otter

The River Otter is a semi-aquatic mammal native to North Carolina and other parts of North America. These animals are known for their sleek and agile bodies, webbed feet, and playful personalities. River otters are omnivores and feed on a wide range of foods, including fish, crustaceans, and small mammals.

River otters are excellent swimmers and are often seen sliding down muddy banks or playing in the water. They are also skilled hunters and will often use their speed and agility to catch their prey.

River otters are social animals and are often seen in family groups. They are also highly adaptable and can be found in a variety of habitats, including rivers, lakes, and wetlands.


The Bobcat is a medium-sized wildcat native to North Carolina and other parts of North America. These animals are known for their distinctive tufted ears, spotted fur, and short tails. Bobcats are carnivores and feed on a wide range of prey, including small mammals, birds, and reptiles.

Bobcats are skilled hunters and are known for their stealth and agility. They are also highly adaptable and can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, deserts, and even suburban areas.

Bobcats are solitary animals and are most active at night. They are also skilled climbers and will often use trees as a place of safety and to access prey.

American Beaver

The American Beaver is a large and distinctive rodent native to North Carolina and other parts of North America. These animals are known for their flat tails, large incisors, and dam-building behavior. American beavers are herbivores and feed on a wide range of aquatic and terrestrial plants.

American beavers are skilled engineers and are known for their ability to build dams and lodges. They play a critical role in shaping their habitats and maintaining the health of the ecosystem.

American beavers are semi-aquatic animals and are most active at night. They are also social animals and are often seen in family groups.

American Alligator

The American Alligator is a large and powerful reptile native to North Carolina and other parts of the southeastern United States. These animals are known for their tough skin, powerful jaws, and ability to live in both fresh and saltwater environments. American alligators are carnivores and feed on a wide range of prey, including fish, birds, and small mammals.

American alligators are excellent swimmers and are capable of reaching incredible speeds in the water. They are also skilled hunters and will use their powerful jaws and sharp teeth to catch their prey. American alligators are solitary animals and are most active at night. They are also excellent burrowers and will often use their dens for protection and to regulate their body temperature.

Eastern Mole

The Eastern Mole is a small, burrowing mammal native to North Carolina and other parts of North America. These animals are known for their large, shovel-like front paws and their ability to tunnel through the soil. Eastern moles are insectivores and feed on a wide range of insects, grubs, and earthworms.

Eastern moles are highly specialized for digging and are capable of creating complex underground tunnels and burrows. They play a critical role in maintaining the health of the soil and the ecosystem by aerating the soil and controlling populations of pests and other insects.

Eastern moles are solitary animals and are most active at night. They are also well adapted to life underground and are equipped with sensitive sensory structures to help them navigate in the dark. The Eastern Mole is an important and fascinating species in North Carolina, and it's important that we work to protect and conserve their habitats and populations for future generations to enjoy.

Northern Cardinal

The Northern Cardinal is a brightly colored songbird native to North Carolina and other parts of North America. These birds are known for their distinctive red plumage, crested head, and cheerful song. Northern Cardinals are seed-eaters and feed on a wide range of seeds and berries, as well as insects and other small animals.

Northern Cardinals are social birds and are often seen in pairs or small flocks. They are also highly territorial and will defend their nests and feeding areas from other birds and animals.

Northern Cardinals are year-round residents of North Carolina and are a common sight in woodlands, gardens, and suburban areas. They are also highly valued for their beauty and song, and are often considered an indicator of a healthy and diverse bird population.

Wood Duck

The Wood Duck is a colorful and graceful waterfowl native to North Carolina and other parts of North America. These ducks are known for their distinctive iridescent plumage, crested head, and ability to perch in trees. Wood Ducks are omnivores and feed on a wide range of plants, animals, and invertebrates.

Wood Ducks are excellent swimmers and divers and are capable of feeding in both freshwater and saltwater environments. They are also highly social animals and are often seen in large flocks.

Wood Ducks are migratory birds and are a common sight in North Carolina during the breeding and migration seasons. They are also highly valued for their beauty and are often considered an indicator of a healthy and diverse waterfowl population.

The Wood Duck is a magnificent and important species in North Carolina, and it's important that we work to protect and conserve their habitats and populations for future generations to enjoy.

Eastern Bluebird

The Eastern Bluebird is a beautiful and important songbird native to North Carolina and other parts of North America. These birds are known for their distinctive blue plumage, rusty-red breast, and cheerful song. Eastern Bluebirds are insect-eaters and feed on a wide range of insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates.

Eastern Bluebirds are social birds and are often seen in pairs or small flocks. They are also highly territorial and will defend their nests and feeding areas from other birds and animals.

Eastern Bluebirds are year-round residents of North Carolina and are a common sight in woodlands, gardens, and suburban areas. They are also highly valued for their beauty and song, and are often considered an indicator of a healthy and diverse bird population.


Woodpeckers are a group of birds native to North Carolina and other parts of North America. These birds are known for their distinctive appearance, including their chisel-like beaks, strong feet, and stiff tail feathers, which are used for perching and digging for insects. There are many species of woodpeckers in North Carolina, including the downy woodpecker, red-bellied woodpecker, and pileated woodpecker.

Woodpeckers feed on a wide range of insects, including ants, termites, and beetle larvae, which they locate by drilling into trees and other wood structures. They also feed on tree sap and fruit, and some species will store food in the crevices of trees for later use.

Woodpeckers play an important role in North Carolina's ecosystem, helping to control insect populations and spreading the seeds of fruit and nut-bearing trees through their feeding habits. They are also important indicators of forest health, as their presence is often an indicator of a healthy and diverse forest ecosystem.

Hognose Snake

The Hognose Snake is a species of colubrid snake native to North Carolina and other parts of North America. These snakes are known for their distinctive appearance, including their broad, upturned snout, which is used for digging in the soil for toads, their primary food source.

Hognose Snakes are harmless to humans and are not venomous. They are also known for their defensive behavior, which includes hissing, puffing up, and playing dead when threatened.

Hognose Snakes are found in a wide range of habitats in North Carolina, including forests, wetlands, and grasslands. They play an important role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystem, by consuming toads and other small animals, and helping to control insect populations.

Copperhead Snake

The Copperhead Snake is a species of venomous pit viper native to North Carolina and other parts of North America. These snakes are known for their distinctive appearance, including their reddish-brown color, which is marked by hourglass-shaped crossbands.

Copperhead Snakes are venomous and should be respected and avoided. They feed on a wide range of small animals, including mice, lizards, and frogs, and play an important role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystem.

Copperhead Snakes are found in a wide range of habitats in North Carolina, including forests, wetlands, and grasslands. They are also known for their cryptic behavior and ability to blend in with their surroundings, which helps them to avoid predators and hunting pressure.

Eastern Coyote

The Eastern Coyote is a subspecies of the North American Coyote, and is native to North Carolina and other parts of the eastern United States. These coyotes are larger and have a more robust build than their western cousins, and are known for their adaptability and versatility.

Eastern Coyotes are omnivores and feed on a wide range of prey, including small mammals, birds, reptiles, fruits, and vegetables. They are also known for their highly adaptable hunting habits, which allow them to switch prey as food availability changes.

Eastern Coyotes play an important role in North Carolina's ecosystem, helping to control small mammal populations and serving as a top predator. They are also known for their ability to thrive in a variety of habitats, including forests, wetlands, and urban areas.


The Armadillo is a species of mammal native to North America, including North Carolina. These animals are known for their distinctive appearance, including their tough, armor-like shells, which protect them from predators.

Armadillos are omnivores and feed on a wide range of foods, including insects, small mammals, and plant roots and bulbs. They play an important role in their ecosystem, helping to control insect populations and spreading plant seeds through their feeding and digging habits.

Armadillos are found in a wide range of habitats in North Carolina, including forests, wetlands, and grasslands. They are also known for their burrowing habits, and can cause damage to lawns and gardens.

Eastern Chipmunk

The Eastern Chipmunk is a species of rodent native to North Carolina and other parts of North America. These animals are known for their distinctive appearance, including their reddish-brown fur, white stripes, and bushy tails.

Eastern Chipmunks feed on a wide range of foods, including nuts, seeds, fruits, and insects, and are known for their habit of storing food in their cheeks for later use. They play an important role in their ecosystem, helping to spread plant seeds through their feeding and caching habits.

Eastern Chipmunks are found in a wide range of habitats in North Carolina, including forests, wetlands, and grasslands. They are also popular with humans and often kept as pets or used as research subjects.


The Opossum is a species of marsupial native to North Carolina and other parts of North America. These animals are known for their distinctive appearance, including their long snouts, sharp teeth, and prehensile tails, which are used for balance and grasping.

Opossums are omnivores and feed on a wide range of foods, including insects, small mammals, fruits, and carrion. They play an important role in their ecosystem, helping to control insect populations and serving as a scavenger.

Opossums are found in a wide range of habitats in North Carolina, including forests, wetlands, and urban areas. They are also known for their ability to adapt to human-modified landscapes and often come into conflict with humans over food and other resources.

Bat (various species)

North Carolina is home to a variety of bat species, including the Little Brown Bat, the Big Brown Bat, the Silver-Haired Bat, and others. Bats play a crucial role in the state's ecosystem, serving as pollinators, seed dispersers, and insect predators.

Bats feed on a wide range of insects, including mosquitoes, moths, and beetles, and are known for their highly specialized hunting behaviors and echolocation abilities. Bats are also important indicators of ecosystem health, as their populations can decline in response to environmental changes or disease.

Unfortunately, many bat species in North Carolina are facing a range of threats, including habitat loss, pesticide use, and disease. It is important that we work to protect and conserve bat habitats and populations, in order to ensure their survival and continued contributions to our ecosystem.

Eastern Painted Turtle

The Eastern Painted Turtle is a species of freshwater turtle native to North Carolina and other parts of the eastern United States. These turtles are known for their distinctive appearance, including their bright, colorful shells and striped necks.

Eastern Painted Turtles are omnivores and feed on a wide range of foods, including plants, insects, and other aquatic animals. They play an important role in their ecosystem, serving as both predators and prey and helping to control aquatic plant and animal populations.

Eastern Painted Turtles are found in a wide range of freshwater habitats in North Carolina, including ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams. They are also popular with humans and often kept as pets or used as research subjects.

White-Tailed Deer

The White-tailed Deer is a species of mammal native to North Carolina and other parts of North America. These animals are known for their distinctive appearance, including their reddish-brown coats and white tails, which they raise in alarm.

White-tailed Deer are herbivores and feed on a wide range of plants, including leaves, shoots, and berries. They play an important role in their ecosystem, serving as both prey and predator and helping to control plant populations through their grazing habits.

White-tailed Deer are found in a wide range of habitats in North Carolina, including forests, wetlands, and grasslands. They are also popular with humans, and are hunted for their meat, hides, and antlers.

Eastern Gray Squirrel

The Eastern Gray Squirrel is a species of tree squirrel native to North Carolina and other parts of the eastern United States. These squirrels are known for their grayish-brown fur, bushy tails, and active, acrobatic behavior.

Eastern Gray Squirrels feed on a wide range of foods, including nuts, seeds, fruits, and insects. They play an important role in their ecosystem, serving as seed dispersers and helping to regenerate forests through their feeding and burrowing behaviors.

Eastern Gray Squirrels are found in a wide range of habitats in North Carolina, including forests, parks, and residential areas. They are also popular with humans, and often interact with people in urban areas.

Eastern Box Turtle

The Eastern Box Turtle is a species of land turtle native to North Carolina and other parts of the eastern United States. These turtles are known for their distinctive appearance, including their high-domed shells and brightly colored patterns.

Eastern Box Turtles are omnivores and feed on a wide range of foods, including plants, insects, and carrion. They play an important role in their ecosystem, serving as both predators and prey and helping to control insect and plant populations.

Eastern Box Turtles are found in a wide range of habitats in North Carolina, including forests, wetlands, and grasslands. They are also popular with humans and often kept as pets or used as research subjects.

North Carolina's rich wildlife heritage is an important part of the state's identity, and it's important that we protect and conserve these species for future generations to enjoy. Whether you're out exploring the state's many parks and nature reserves, or simply observing wildlife in your own backyard, you'll be amazed at the incredible biodiversity that North Carolina has to offer. So, the next time you're in the state, be sure to take a moment to appreciate the amazing animals that call North Carolina home.

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