Ohio is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including many species that are native to the region. From majestic bald eagles soaring high above to the playful antics of squirrels and chipmunks, Ohio's native animals are an integral part of the state's natural heritage. Whether you are a seasoned wildlife enthusiast or just a nature lover, there is something for everyone when it comes to exploring the rich and varied wildlife of Ohio.

Northern Goshawk
The Northern Goshawk is a large and powerful bird of prey that is native to northern and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. With its striking appearance, featuring a distinctive crest of feathers on its head and a long, broad tail, the Northern Goshawk is one of the largest and most impressive birds of prey in its range. This bird is known for its incredible hunting skills, using its sharp talons and powerful beak to capture a variety of prey, including small mammals, birds, and reptiles.
The Northern Goshawk is a solitary and territorial bird, and is often seen patrolling its territory in search of prey. In addition to its hunting skills, the Northern Goshawk is also known for its impressive aerial maneuverability, capable of making sharp turns and sudden movements in pursuit of its prey. This agility and speed makes the Northern Goshawk a formidable predator and a highly respected member of the bird of prey community.
Despite its impressive hunting skills and aerial prowess, the Northern Goshawk is considered a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, like many bird of prey species, the Northern Goshawk faces a number of threats, including habitat loss and degradation, and exposure to toxic chemicals. Conservation efforts are underway to protect this magnificent bird and its habitat, and to ensure its continued survival for future generations. Whether you are a bird-watcher, a nature lover, or simply a curious observer, the Northern Goshawk is a fascinating and impressive species that is well worth discovering.

Canada Lynx
The Canada Lynx is a medium-sized wild cat that is native to northern North America, including parts of Canada and Alaska. With its distinctive ear tufts and short, stubby tail, the Canada Lynx is easily recognizable and is well adapted to its cold, northern habitat. This feline is a skilled hunter, preying on small mammals such as snowshoe hares, which make up the majority of its diet. The Canada Lynx is a solitary and elusive creature, spending most of its time hunting and roaming through the dense forests and tundras of its native range.
The Canada Lynx is known for its incredible jumping ability, capable of leaping up to 6 feet in the air in pursuit of its prey. In addition to its physical adaptations, the Canada Lynx has developed a number of unique behaviors and strategies for surviving in its harsh, northern habitat. For example, during the winter months, the Canada Lynx has been observed to conserve energy by reducing its movements and conserving heat, which helps it to survive in the extreme cold.
Despite its tough and hardy nature, the Canada Lynx is considered a threatened species in many parts of its range. This is due in part to habitat loss, over-trapping, and changes to its primary prey, the snowshoe hare. Conservation efforts are underway to protect this unique and magnificent creature, and to ensure its survival for future generations. Whether you are a wildlife enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply a curious observer, the Canada Lynx is a fascinating and remarkable animal that is well worth discovering.

River Otter
The River Otter is a semi-aquatic mammal that is native to North America and Eurasia. This playful and curious animal is easily recognizable by its sleek, streamlined body, webbed feet, and dense, waterproof fur. The River Otter is a skilled swimmer and hunter, feeding on a variety of aquatic animals, such as fish, crayfish, and frogs.
In addition to its hunting skills, the River Otter is also known for its playful behavior, often seen sliding down muddy banks, playing with objects, and frolicking in the water. This animal is also highly social, forming tight-knit family groups that share territory and resources.

Gray Wolf
The Gray Wolf, also known as the Timber Wolf, is a large, carnivorous mammal that is native to North America and Eurasia. This magnificent animal is easily recognizable by its large, powerful body, long, bushy tail, and distinctive howl. The Gray Wolf is a skilled predator, feeding on a variety of large prey, such as deer, elk, and bison.
In addition to its hunting skills, the Gray Wolf is also known for its complex social behavior, forming tight-knit packs that cooperate to hunt and care for their young. This animal is also highly adaptable, capable of surviving in a wide range of habitats, from arctic tundra to temperate forests.

Black Bear
The Northern Black Bear is a large, omnivorous mammal that is native to North America and Eurasia. This formidable animal is easily recognizable by its large size, shaggy black fur, and distinctive, humped back. The Northern Black Bear feeds on a wide range of food, including plants, fruits, nuts, insects, and small mammals.
In addition to its omnivorous diet, the Northern Black Bear is also known for its incredible climbing abilities, able to scale trees with ease to escape danger or to find food. This animal is also highly adaptable, capable of surviving in a variety of habitats, from temperate forests to subalpine meadows.

Wild Turkey
The Wild Turkey is a large, ground-dwelling bird that is native to North America. This magnificent bird is easily recognizable by its iridescent feathers, fan-like tail, and distinctive gobble. The Wild Turkey feeds on a variety of food, including seeds, nuts, insects, and small mammals.
In addition to its foraging skills, the Wild Turkey is also known for its elaborate courtship display, during which males will puff up their feathers, gobble, and strut in an effort to attract a mate. This bird is also highly social, forming large flocks that forage and roost together.

Peregrine Falcon
The Peregrine Falcon is a large, predatory bird that is native to North America and Eurasia. This fast and agile bird is easily recognizable by its long, pointed wings, dark head, and distinctive "stoop" dive. The Peregrine Falcon feeds on a variety of prey, including birds, small mammals, and insects.
In addition to its hunting skills, the Peregrine Falcon is also known for its incredible speed and agility, capable of diving at over 200 miles per hour to catch its prey. This bird is also highly adaptable, capable of surviving in a wide range of habitats, from urban areas to remote wilderness.

Bald Eagle
The Bald Eagle is a large, predatory bird that is native to North America and is the national bird of the United States. This magnificent bird is easily recognizable by its distinctive white head and tail, sharp talons, and powerful beak. The Bald Eagle feeds on a variety of prey, including fish, small mammals, and carrion.
In addition to its hunting skills, the Bald Eagle is also known for its remarkable eyesight, capable of spotting a fish from over a mile away. This bird is also highly social, forming pairs that mate for life and work together to care for their young. Despite its widespread distribution and adaptability, the Bald Eagle was once considered endangered, but has since made a remarkable recovery and is now considered a species of least concern.

Golden Eagle
The Golden Eagle is a large, predatory bird that is native to North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. This magnificent bird is easily recognizable by its distinctive golden-brown plumage, sharp talons, and powerful beak. The Golden Eagle feeds on a variety of prey, including rabbits, squirrels, and even young ungulates.
In addition to its hunting skills, the Golden Eagle is also known for its incredible speed and agility, capable of diving at over 200 miles per hour to catch its prey. This bird is also highly adaptable, capable of surviving in a wide range of habitats, from remote wilderness to suburban areas.

White-Tailed Deer
The White-tailed Deer is a medium-sized mammal that is native to North America and is widely distributed across the continent. This graceful and elusive animal is easily recognizable by its distinctive white tail, which it raises and flashes when it senses danger. The White-tailed Deer feeds on a variety of vegetation, including leaves, twigs, and acorns.
In addition to its diet, the White-tailed Deer is also known for its remarkable agility and speed, capable of running at over 30 miles per hour. This mammal is also highly social, forming herds that forage and travel together.

The Raccoon is a medium-sized mammal that is native to North America and is widely distributed across the continent. This curious and intelligent animal is easily recognizable by its distinctive black mask and ringed tail. The Raccoon feeds on a variety of food, including fruits, nuts, insects, and small mammals.
In addition to its diet, the Raccoon is also known for its remarkable intelligence and dexterity, capable of using its nimble paws to open doors, containers, and even tools. This mammal is also highly adaptable, capable of surviving in a wide range of habitats, from remote wilderness to urban areas.

Eastern Gray Squirrel
The Eastern Gray Squirrel is a small mammal that is native to North America and is widely distributed across the continent. This energetic and agile animal is easily recognizable by its distinctive gray fur and bushy tail. The Eastern Gray Squirrel feeds on a variety of food, including nuts, seeds, and berries.
In addition to its diet, the Eastern Gray Squirrel is also known for its remarkable climbing skills and agility, capable of scaling trees and leaping from branch to branch. This mammal is also highly adaptable, capable of surviving in a wide range of habitats, from remote wilderness to urban areas.

Eastern Cottontail Rabbit
The Eastern Cottontail Rabbit is a medium-sized mammal that is native to North America and is widely distributed across the continent. This fast and agile animal is easily recognizable by its distinctive cottontail and soft, brown fur. The Eastern Cottontail Rabbit feeds on a variety of vegetation, including grasses, leaves, and twigs.
In addition to its diet, the Eastern Cottontail Rabbit is also known for its remarkable speed and agility, capable of running at over 18 miles per hour. This mammal is also highly social, forming large communities that forage and rest together.

Eastern Chipmunk
The Eastern Chipmunk is a small, ground-dwelling mammal that is native to North America. This cute and curious animal is easily recognizable by its distinctive black and white stripes running down its back and cheeks. The Eastern Chipmunk feeds on a variety of vegetation, including nuts, seeds, and berries.
In addition to its diet, the Eastern Chipmunk is also known for its burrowing habits, capable of digging complex underground burrows to store food and protect itself from predators.

Red Fox
The Red Fox is a medium-sized mammal that is native to North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. This cunning and elusive animal is easily recognizable by its distinctive red fur and bushy tail. The Red Fox feeds on a variety of prey, including small mammals, birds, and reptiles.
In addition to its hunting skills, the Red Fox is also known for its remarkable adaptability, capable of surviving in a wide range of habitats, from remote wilderness to urban areas.

The Coyote is a medium-sized mammal that is native to North America and is widely distributed across the continent. This intelligent and adaptable animal is easily recognizable by its distinctive gray fur and bushy tail. The Coyote feeds on a variety of prey, including small mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects.
In addition to its hunting skills, the Coyote is also known for its remarkable adaptability, capable of surviving in a wide range of habitats, from remote wilderness to urban areas.

The Muskrat is a medium-sized mammal that is native to North America and is widely distributed across the continent. This semi-aquatic animal is easily recognizable by its dense, brown fur and long, flat tail. The Muskrat feeds on a variety of aquatic vegetation, such as roots, stems, and leaves of water plants.
In addition to its diet, the Muskrat is also known for its strong swimming ability and its remarkable burrowing skills, capable of building large, complex underwater lodges. This mammal is also highly social, forming large communities that forage and rest together.

The Skunk is a medium-sized mammal that is native to North America and is widely distributed across the continent. This easily recognizable animal is well known for its ability to produce a strong and distinctive odor when threatened or frightened. The Skunk feeds on a variety of prey, including small mammals, birds, insects, and plants.
In addition to its well-known defense mechanism, the Skunk is also known for its adaptability, capable of surviving in a wide range of habitats, from remote wilderness to urban areas.

The Opossum, also known as the Possum, is a medium-sized mammal that is native to North America. This nocturnal animal is easily recognizable by its distinctive white face and pink nose. The Opossum feeds on a variety of prey, including small mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects.
In addition to its diet, the Opossum is also known for its remarkable adaptability, capable of surviving in a wide range of habitats, from remote wilderness to urban areas.

The Weasel is a small mammal that is native to North America and is widely distributed across the continent. This agile and graceful animal is easily recognizable by its slender body and long neck. The Weasel feeds on a variety of prey, including small mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects.
In addition to its hunting skills, the Weasel is also known for its remarkable adaptability, capable of surviving in a wide range of habitats, from remote wilderness to urban areas.

Groundhog (Woodchuck)
The Groundhog, also known as the Woodchuck, is a medium-sized mammal that is native to North America. This burrowing animal is easily recognizable by its chubby appearance and brown fur. The Groundhog feeds on a variety of vegetation, including grasses, clovers, and alfalfa.
In addition to its diet, the Groundhog is also known for its burrowing habits, capable of digging large, complex underground dens to protect itself from predators and to regulate its body temperature. The Groundhog is a solitary animal, spending most of its time alone or with its mate and offspring.
Northern Flying Squirrel
The Northern Flying Squirrel is a small, nocturnal mammal that is native to North America and Eurasia. This adorable and fascinating animal is easily recognizable by its large, fluffy tail and its unique ability to glide through the air using folds of skin called patagia. The Northern Flying Squirrel feeds primarily on nuts, seeds, and other plant material, which it stores in its dreys, or leafy nests, for later consumption.
In addition to its gliding abilities, the Northern Flying Squirrel is also known for its intelligence and sociability, often forming large communities in the hollows of trees. This animal is also highly adaptable, capable of surviving in a variety of habitats, from temperate forests to high-altitude coniferous forests.

The Beaver is a large, semi-aquatic rodent that is native to North America and Eurasia. This remarkable animal is easily recognizable by its large, flat tail and its unique ability to build dams and lodges in streams and rivers. The Beaver is a herbivore, feeding primarily on the bark and twigs of trees and shrubs, which it uses to build its dams and lodges.
In addition to its building skills, the Beaver is also known for its incredible engineering abilities, able to construct dams and lodges that can withstand strong currents and heavy floods. This animal is also a keystone species, playing a crucial role in shaping its ecosystem by creating new habitats for other wildlife.

The Mink is a small, semi-aquatic mammal that is native to North America and Eurasia. This sleek and agile animal is easily recognizable by its long, slender body and glossy, brown fur. The Mink is a solitary and elusive predator, feeding primarily on fish and other aquatic animals, as well as small mammals, birds, and reptiles.
In addition to its hunting skills, the Mink is also known for its incredible swimming abilities, able to dive and swim through the water in pursuit of its prey. This animal is also highly adaptable, capable of surviving in a variety of habitats, from freshwater streams and rivers to wetlands and coastal marshes.

The Bobcat is a medium-sized wild cat that is native to North America, from southern Canada to Mexico. This cat is easily recognizable by its distinctive short, stubby tail and its spotted, tufted ears. The Bobcat is a solitary and elusive predator, hunting a variety of prey, including small mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians.
In addition to its hunting skills, the Bobcat is also known for its agility and stealth, able to navigate through dense forests and rough terrain with ease. This feline is also known for its adaptability, capable of surviving in a wide range of habitats, from deserts to mountains to wetlands. Despite its wide distribution and adaptability, the Bobcat is considered a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Conservation efforts are underway to protect this magnificent cat and its habitat, and to ensure its continued survival for future generations.

Northern Harrier
The Northern Harrier, also known as the Marsh Hawk, is a medium-sized bird of prey that is native to North America and Eurasia. This bird is easily recognizable by its long, narrow wings and distinctive, undulating flight pattern, which it uses to search for prey over open fields and marshes. The Northern Harrier feeds primarily on small mammals, such as voles and mice, which it captures using its sharp talons and powerful beak.
In addition to its hunting skills, the Northern Harrier is also known for its adaptability, capable of surviving in a variety of habitats, from wetlands and marshes to grasslands and deserts. This bird is also known for its social behavior, with females forming loose associations with other birds during the breeding season.

Ohio's native animals play a critical role in maintaining the health and balance of the state's ecosystems, and their continued survival is essential for the well-being of the state's wildlife and natural resources. So next time you are out and about in Ohio, take a moment to appreciate the wonderful wildlife that call this place home. Whether you spot a graceful deer, a curious raccoon, or any of the other amazing animals that are native to Ohio, be sure to take a moment to appreciate their beauty and their place in the natural world.