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Bondo Apes

Writer: jessiekdesignjessiekdesign

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

Closeup of a Bondo Ape looking at you.

Bondo apes, also known as Eastern chimpanzees and Bili Apes, are native to the rainforests of Central and East Africa. They typically inhabit lowland and montane rainforests, as well as secondary forests, gallery forests, and bamboo forests. They are also found in savanna-forest mosaic habitats and in areas with scattered forest patches.

Bondo apes have been able to stay elusive because they tend to stay deep in the forest, spending most of their time in the canopy of trees, which can make it difficult to get clear, unobstructed view. They are also known to be shy and cautious animals, and will often flee when they sense human presence. They are also critically endangered, making them difficult to find and observe.

Hunting & Diet

Bondo Apes are opportunistic feeders and have a varied diet that includes fruits, leaves, seeds, insects, and small mammals. Fruits make up a significant portion of their diet, and they are known to consume over 200 different types of fruits. They also eat leaves, flowers, and piths of certain plants. They also consume insects such as ants and termites, and occasionally small mammals such as bushbabies.

Bondo Apes use tools to hunt and gather food, such as using sticks to probe for insects or to extract termites from mounds. They also use tools to crack open nuts or to fish for termites. They use their hands to catch insects, birds, and small mammals.

They have been observed engaging in hunting behavior, which is relatively rare among primates. They hunt for small mammals, such as bushbabies, and also for birds. They use a variety of hunting strategies, including coordinated group hunting, which is a complex behavior requiring cooperation and planning among group members. When hunting small mammals, they use a coordinated approach, where one individual will flush out the prey while others wait in ambush. Once the prey is flushed out, the chimpanzees will chase and capture it, often using their hands or tools to do so.

Bondo Ape looking over his shoulder.


As mentioned above Bondo Apes are are native to the rainforests of Central and East Africa, specifically in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda. Bondo Apes are arboreal animals, which means they spend most of their time in trees. They build nests in trees for sleeping and rest, and they forage for food in the canopy. They are also known to travel along the ground, especially when crossing open areas or moving between forest fragments.

A Family of Bondo Apes in the wild.

Social & Mating

Bondo Apes have a complex social structure, they live in communities of up to 150 individuals, led by a dominant male. They communicate with one another using a variety of vocalizations, such as screams, hoots, and grunts, as well as through physical displays and gestures. Bondo Apes, like other chimpanzees, have a promiscuous mating system, which means that both males and females mate with multiple partners. Females have a menstrual cycle, and give off visible sign of their fertility which will indicate to the males that they are ready to mate. Females will often mate with multiple males. This increases the chances of fertilization and allows for genetic diversity within the population.

Raising Young

Bondo Apes, like other chimpanzees, have a long period of infant dependency, with infants remaining with their mothers for several years. Female chimpanzees typically give birth to one infant at a time, after a gestation period of around 8 months.

Newborn chimpanzees are completely dependent on their mothers for survival and are carried on their mother's belly or back for the first few months of their lives. As they grow older, they will begin to move around on their own and will start to eat solid food. However, they will continue to nurse from their mothers until they are around 4 or 5 years old.

Mothers are the primary caregivers for their infants, but other females in the community may also help to care for the young. This is known as "alloparenting" and can involve carrying, grooming, or protecting the infant.

Bondo Apes are known to be highly social animals, and the bond between a mother and her infant is an important aspect of their social system. Infants will often form strong attachments to their mothers, and mothers may show protective and nurturing behaviors towards their offspring.

They also engage in play behavior, which is important for the development of social and cognitive skills. Infants will play with adults and other young chimpanzees, and this play can involve chasing, wrestling, and mock fighting.

Bondo Ape relaxing on the grass.

Why are Eastern Chimpanzees called Bondo Apes?

Eastern chimpanzees, also known as Bili apes, are called bondo apes because they are found in the Bondo region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The Bili-Bondu forest is located within the Ituri province of the DRC, and it is one of the last remaining habitats of the eastern chimpanzees. The name "bondo apes" is a colloquial term used to refer specifically to the eastern chimpanzees that inhabit this region. It is not a widely accepted scientific name for the Eastern chimpanzees.

Bondo ape in the wild.


Bondo Apes, like all chimpanzees, are known to be aggressive at times, particularly when it comes to competition for resources such as food or mates. They also engage in aggressive behaviors as a means of maintaining social hierarchy and asserting dominance within their communities. Males in particular are known to engage in physical aggression, including fights with other males, in order to establish dominance and gain access to females. These fights can be quite violent, and can result in serious injuries.

Bondo Apes also exhibit aggressive behaviors towards outsiders, particularly when they feel threatened or when their territory is invaded. They have been observed charging and attacking humans who encroach on their territory.

However, it's worth noting that they also have a complex social structure and can also have peaceful relationships within their groups. They have been observed to engage in grooming, comforting behaviors and reconciliation after conflicts.

Infant Bondo Ape being held by her mother.

Life Expectancy

Bondo Apes have a lifespan of around 40 to 50 years in the wild. In captivity, their life expectancy may be shorter due to the limited space and lack of social interaction that can cause stress on the animals. Factors such as disease, poor nutrition, and lack of proper care can also shorten their lifespan in captivity. Life expectancy for Bondo Apes in the wild can be affected by a variety of factors, including habitat destruction, hunting for bushmeat, and diseases spread by human populations. lpo

Bondo Ape in the jungle.

Bondo Apes & Human Similarities

Bondo Apes, share many similarities with humans, as they belong to the same genus (Pan) and are our closest living relatives. Some of the similarities between Eastern chimpanzees and humans include:

-Genetics: Eastern chimpanzees share about 99% of their DNA with humans, making them our closest living relatives.

-Intelligence: Eastern chimpanzees are highly intelligent animals and have been observed using tools, solving problems, and even exhibiting cultural behaviors.

-Language: Eastern chimpanzees have a complex system of vocalizations and can communicate with each other using a variety of calls, screams, and grunts.

-Social behavior: Eastern chimpanzees live in complex social groups and have been observed engaging in behaviors such as cooperation, altruism, and even deception.

-Emotions: Eastern chimpanzees have been observed experiencing a wide range of emotions, similar to humans, such as joy, sadness, and fear.

-Culture: Eastern chimpanzees have been observed engaging in behaviors that are specific to certain groups and passed down through generations, which is considered a form of culture.

-Diseases: Eastern chimpanzees, like humans, are susceptible to a wide range of diseases, including many that are also found in humans such as respiratory infections, hepatitis, and even some types of cancer.

Bondo Ape standing in the trees in the wild.


Adult males are typically larger and heavier than adult females, with an average height of around 4 to 5 feet (1.2 to 1.5 meters) when standing upright, and an average weight of around 75 to 130 pounds (35 to 60 kg). Adult females typically have an average height of around 3.5 to 4 feet (1 to 1.2 meters) and an average weight of around 55 to 90 pounds (25 to 40 kg). It's worth noting that Bondo Apes have a distinctive body build, with long arms and shoulders that are much broader than their hips, which allow them to move easily through the trees. They have a thick black hair all over the body, except for the face, ears, fingers and toes.

It should be noted that Eastern chimpanzees are facing significant threats to their survival such as habitat destruction, hunting for bushmeat, and the pet trade. Due to these factors, the Eastern chimpanzees are listed as critically endangered by the IUCN.

Black and white portrait of a Bondo Ape.


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