Cougars, also known as mountain lions, are large predatory cats that are native to the Americas. While cougar attacks on humans are rare, it is important to know what to do if you encounter a cougar and how to protect yourself in the unlikely event of an attack. Here are some tips for how to survive a cougar attack:
Do not run: If you encounter a cougar, do not run or turn your back on the animal. Cougars are natural predators and may view you as prey if you run or show signs of fear. Instead, try to appear as large and intimidating as possible by standing tall, spreading your arms, and making noise.
Use your voice: If the cougar approaches or shows aggressive behavior, use your voice to try to scare it off. Shout, make noise, and wave your arms to try to make yourself look bigger and more intimidating.
Protect your neck: If the cougar attacks, use any available weapons (such as a stick or rocks) to try to fend off the animal. Aim for the cougar's face and eyes, and try to protect your neck and head as much as possible.
Fight back: If the cougar continues to attack, use any means necessary to defend yourself. Use your fists, elbows, and knees to strike the cougar, and try to gouge its eyes or strike its nose and throat.
Seek medical attention: If you are able to escape the cougar, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Even if you do not have any visible wounds, you may have suffered internal injuries or infections that need to be treated.

It is important to remember that cougar attacks on humans are very rare, and the vast majority of cougars will avoid human contact if given the opportunity. If you follow these tips and use common sense, you can greatly reduce the risk of a cougar attack.
In the United States, cougars are found throughout much of the western and central regions of the country, including states such as California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming. They are also found in a number of eastern states, including Arkansas, Connecticut, and North Carolina.

Cougars are highly adaptable and can thrive in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and mountainous regions. They are often found in areas with abundant prey, such as deer, and prefer to live in areas with dense vegetation, where they can conceal themselves and stalk their prey. Cougars are also skilled climbers and are often found in areas with rocky cliffs and outcroppings, where they can escape from predators or hunt for prey.
It is important to remember that cougars are wild animals and can be unpredictable. If you are in an area where cougars are known to live, it is important to take precautions to reduce the risk of a cougar encounter, such as avoiding hiking alone, making noise to alert any nearby cougars of your presence, and keeping small children and pets close by.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I pet a cougar cub?
It is not safe to pet a cougar cub or any other wild animal, regardless of how cute or harmless they may appear. Wild animals, including mountain lions, can be unpredictable and may become agitated or aggressive if they feel threatened or are approached too closely. In addition, wild animals can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans, so it is important to avoid contact with them.
Cougars are wild animals and are not domesticated like cats or dogs. They have natural instincts and behaviors that are not suitable for close contact with humans, and it is not appropriate to keep them as pets. Cougar cubs, in particular, require specialized care and nutrition that can only be provided by their natural mothers or trained professionals.
If you encounter a cougar cub in the wild, it is important to give the animal plenty of space and avoid approaching it too closely. If the cub appears to be in distress or is alone without an adult mountain lion nearby, it is best to contact a local wildlife rehabilitation center or the authorities for assistance.

Can I outrun a mountain lion?
It is not recommended to try to outrun a cougar.. Cougars are agile, powerful predators and are capable of running at speeds of up to 50 mph (80 km/h). It is unlikely that you would be able to outrun a cougar over a sustained distance.